Maybe it’s the rhythm of your favourite tunes or the heart-pumping workout that gets you up and off the couch. Or perhaps it’s the challenge of mastering the more complicated moves that bring you so much joy. The physical, mental, and emotional health benefits of dancing are endless.
Benefits of Dancing
Whether you’re 80 years young or 8 years old, engaging in physical activities that involve dance changes you.
From better physical and mental health to a boost in emotional and social well-being, moving your body to the sound of music can transform your life.
Dance is exercise, so the physical benefits of dancing will be similar to that of other cardio activities.
Improves cardiovascular health
Improves balance and strength
Dancing is such a great form of physical fitness is because it incorporates movements on all planes of motion and from all directions.
Gentle on your body
Many forms of dancing, such as ballroom, can be appropriate for people with limited mobility or chronic health issues.
Dancing boosts cognitive performance
A lot of research shows how dancing can maintain and even boost your ability to think as you age.
But how does this happen? Well, according to some studies, scientists have found that the areas of the brain that control memory and skills, such as planning and organizing, improve with exercise like dance.
Plus, unlike other forms of exercise, dance has the additional benefits of improving balance through rhythm and music.
Dancing challenges your brain
The brain power you need to access for dance, specifically, requires you to focus on both the constant changing of movement and recalling moves and patterns.
This is an excellent form of mental exercise for your mind, regardless of your age.
One of the greatest things about dance is that anyone can participate. If you’re able to move, even if it’s only your upper body, you can dance.
This equalizer is what makes dance so popular with people who typically shy away from other forms of exercise.
Dancing boosts your mental and emotional health by reducing stress, decreasing the symptoms of anxiety and depression, and boosting your self-esteem. Dancing to great music helps boost your mood
Can be a social activity
While you may prefer to bust a move when no one is watching, there’s something incredible about dancing with others.
Whether you dance with friends, or get shaking with your kids or grandkids, being around other people while dancing is good for your social and emotional health.